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In development since january 2024. View the gallery below to see the current progress. Please support me by sharing this project.
Version A029
You prefer to fight with distance? With the passive sniper gear you can shoot very far. What happens, if you start to combine different equipment? Well you will find that out in the future.
Version A028
Brrrrrrrrrrr !!! You need faster attack rate? No worry! The minigun is the first active gear that can be activated to boost the attack rate temporarily. This is of course displayed on the buff system and player properties. Additional the minigun delivers a small permanent attack rate boost while equipped.
Version A027
Finally! The player can now observe what happens after inserting a collected room card into the dungeon. The player can exactly see, how the rooms are moved. Of couse this process can be skipped by pro´s :-)
Version A025 & A026
The first passive gear arrived and can be equipped. With that update I also reworked the player properties to a very dynamic and precise system. Binded with the ui so the player always has the current important values live.
Version A023 & A024
In the future the gear presenter generates random gear the player can take and equip. And everything on the fly.
Version A022 & A023
The brand new coded buff system is precise and easy to read for the player.
Watch some awesome gameplay of the current newest version.
Version A020 & A021
Collect, collect and COLLECT. A lot of awesome items and gear will be available to make your best dungeon run ever. Hopefully you have enough luck to get the best.
Awesome boss battles!
The boss battles deliver an awesome immersive experience, by combining cool music with really cool boss mechanics and awesome visual effects. Be prepared for surprising attacks.
Version A018 & A019
The first big boss arrived and WOW it looks very dangerous. With that boss there is also a player "warning" system implemented. This system shows the dangerous areas that you should avoid.
Version A017
Really new cool visual improvements to hook up the player by a clean ui. You should always know what to do next.
Explosions, physics, damage aaaand fire <3 Are you ready to demolish stuff? There will be a lot to demolish in cube crawler.
Version A016
Rewards! Collect dark matter by killing monsters. Use the dark matter to unlock new abilities or improve your attributes.
Version A014 & A015
Passive monster that annoys the player. First performance fixes and a really awesome demolish system with effects.
Version A012 & A013
Monsters have now a display for healthpoints and energy. The energy is an important mechanic for battles.
Version A011
Create your own universe by tracking the visited dungeons (cubes) and your successes. With that update there are also saved player profiles in the background with an awesome migration system. That allows to change all properties without restarting save files and without caring about the version. Nice!
Version A009 & A010
First shader effects and visual improvements. The music system increases the emotions while playing with dynamic music.
Environment & Effects
Explosions? YEEEES! The first visual effects and mechanics arrived.
Version A006 & A008
The first dangerous monster is done. Do you think you can destroy it? With that update there are also "moods" implemented for the monsters. Passive, aggressive and raging.
Version A004 & A005
You can now manipulate the dungeon with the room insert ui. Discover completely new and unknown rooms.
Version A003
A lot of fixes are made for the 3D room models and positions. Also the first ui visuals are improved.
Version A002
The map is extended by the roomm insert ui that allows you to manipulate the rooms on the dungeon.
Version A001
Dungeon generating is now fully developed and we have rooms.
Begin development
The first step into the new universe of cube crawler. The selfmade UI / UX system is already developed. This is a new and awesome experience for players that allows to rebind everything. With full controller support. Yaay!
Take on the challenge and discover a completely new 3D sci-fi dungeon crawler. The sophisticated room card mechanics and endless generated dungeons with the form of a cube, this game is unique in this genre. What will you discover while exploring? Follow this project and support it on all social networking plattforms.
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